12 Things Indians Can Do To Help Nepal Let’s be there for our neighbours

1. Donate to the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund .

Geoff Robins / AFP / Getty Images
2. Delhi-ites can donate required essentials at various relief collection centres organised by various NGOs like

For more, please check this tweet . Goonj also has centers around various cities, check for the contact in your city here.
3. And this:

Twitter: @Raheelk
4. And this:

Twitter: @jayabharati
5. You can also drop off relief essentials at various FabIndia outlets.

6. Pledge with Paytm who will match every rupee you donate.

7. Ride with Uber and donate ₹10. They too, will match every rupee.

8. Donate to UNICEF Nepal .

9. Donate to International Medical Corps and Facebook will match your donation.

Facebook: nepalearthquakesupport
10. Donate to Red Cross Nepal .

11. Donate to Doctors Without Borders .
Follow them on Twitter to stay updated.
12. If you aren’t able to donate aid, you can still help spread awareness about Nepal’s emergency contact numbers and
Google Person Finder.
India Ministry of External Affairs Control Room Numbers for Nepal Earthquake. #NepalEarthquake #Nepal Shar
