Florida Frat Accused of Spitting on Wounded Vets

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) — The University of Florida is investigating allegations that members of the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity spat at a group of disabled military veterans last weekend at a resort in Panama City Beach.
In an email to Linda Cope, the founder of the Warrior Beach Retreat at Laketown Wharf Resort, University ofFlorida President Kent Fuchs called the behavior as unacceptable and promised a full investigation.
The incidents were reported to Fuchs by Cope and others who witnessed the fraternity members spitting at the veterans and stealing their flags. Fuchs said the school is making every effort to learn what happened and take appropriate action.
The Gainesville Sun reports the fraternity is currently on conduct probation for a hazing incident in the fall semester. The fraternity has suspended operations and is cooperating with the investigation.
"Being on probation means the organization faces increased consequences if they are found to have violated the probation requirements," university spokeswoman Janine Sikes said.
The Sun reports that Zeta Beta Tau members from the University of Florida and Emory University in Georgia were attending their spring formals at the resort last weekend. Emory officials said they are investigating but so far there's no evidence to implicate their students in the incident.
