For buyers of multiple Apple devices it's all about added value

The brisk sales of the Apple Watch has enthusiasts of other platforms reacting in the expected way. They'll tell you that buyers of the new device from Apple are fanboys who will buy anything from the company without logic. The zealots have more cash than sense.
There are some fans of Apple products who may fit those labels pinned on them, but there's a real reason why many customers buy more than one Apple product. It's the added value they bring when used together.
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With the current lineup of products -- in addition to the quality and clean design -- the folks at Apple have made them all work together. As good as a MacBook is, when you add an iPad or iPhone to the mix the laptop is even better.
The same is true for all of the major products, and while it's too early to tell, probably the new Apple Watch. Put any two (or more) of them together and the magic happens. They all see each other when in close proximity. They can share information automatically.
When working remotely and no Wi-Fi is available, open up the observed network list on any Apple device and see all of your devices with cellular capability listed at the top of the list. One tap and your device is online using the other, even if it's out of sight in the briefcase.
Apple Watch: Can it really make interactions more human?
Apple Watch wants to provide an iPhone level of engagement in a way "that's a little more human." Assuming the Apple Watch can even do that will consumers play along?
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This coordination between Apple devices is game-changing for both work and play. Start something on one Apple device and switch to another that better fits the task at hand. Open a work document on a device and with a simple gesture switch to one with a bigger screen and keyboard. Start a response to a client email on the phone and when it turns into a lengthy one switch over to either the Mac or iPad.
Perhaps the coolest example of shared computing is when a phone call comes in on the iPhone that's not at hand. The phone call appears and can be answered on the iPad or Mac.
This may not sound like a big deal but as one who does all of this daily it is huge. While my MacBook Air, iPhone 6 Plus, and iPad Air 2 are each very capable alone, they all give added value for getting work done by coordinating seamlessly. I don't consider myself a fanboy as I always use what works best for me, brand and OS included, but Apple tends to win out due to how much additional functionality I get out of its products.
That's why even though I haven't ordered an Apple Watch, I probably will eventually. That will make the Apple device count in my kit bump up to four. And I'm OK with that.
