NYPD chief: "Much less tension" between police and mayor

New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton said the city has recovered a public divide between Mayor Bill de Blasio and New York City cops and that there is "much less tension" now.
Hundreds of NYPD police officers turned their backs on de Blasio last December during the funeral for Officer Rafael Ramos, who was killed along with his partner Wenjian Liu by a lone gunman. Following the shooting, police union officials blasted the mayor, claiming the blood of the two officers were on his hands. They objected to remarks de Blasio made after a grand jury declined to indict the police officer who used an apparent chokehold that resulted in the
death of Eric Garner, saying he had taught his own son "how to take special care" when he interacts with police officers.
"I think we're recovered from that," Bratton said on CBS' "Face the Nation." "I think that public sentiment really came behind the mayor as the event went forward. And I think the raw of emotions two police officers murdered have healed somewhat in the city. So there's much less tension, fortunately, in that regard, in our city."
Bratton also said all but one union contract had been resolved.
