This Could Be Bad News If You Planned On Watching An Illegal Mayweather/Pacquiao Feed

If you're cheap (or say, just reasonable) you may have been planning to hit one of many illegal streaming sites to watch
Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao
duke it out for free this Saturday night. If that's the route you were going, we got bad news (maybe ), Showtime is gunning for these alleged pro bono sites via a lawsuit, even mentioning
and by name. We figure it's best for you to find out now instead of Saturday night, lest it give you a chance to scrape together 100 bucks for something that will undoubtedly not be worth it (again, maybe).
Whether this attempt to add to the estimated $300 million in TV dough is successful will have to be determined with extreme expediency. Embedded below is the lawsuit in full. Odds are the opening bell will have sounded by the time you're done reading it:
